Meet our beers …

Uniquely brewed on site, we offer a broad selection of small batch beers. Brewing what inspires us, from New England IPAs, to Stouts (finished with coffee and cream) to Red Amber Porters … all perfectly paired with our menu!

Meet the family …

BdP ‘Café et Creme’ Stout 3.2%

Notes de chocolat noir, infusé avec du café / Dark chocolate notes, brewed with  coffee for a smooth rounded stout, like no other!

BdP Lazy Days Summer Ale 4.0%

Une bière blonde nonchalante et rafraîchissante / Easy drinking, light summer pale ale

BdP NEIPA / New England IPA 5,3%

IPA rafraîchissante, arômes zestés d’agrumes / Fruity IPA, refreshing with zesty citrus and a smooth finish

BdP Madame Rouge Amber Ale’ 5.0%

Riche en couleur, malté avec une finale de caramel sec / Rich in colour, delicate in flavour, malty with a dry caramel finish